Tuesday 13 December 2011

A CHRP and a CMA walk into a bar...

So why are you reading this? You were probably hotlinked somehow - sorry. In any event, you are in fact reading and thus we shall explain why we are here.
We are the very tip of the Gen Y iceberg. We started this whole thing and now rue the day we did. It isn't any one individual's fault really but a collective "whoops!" would be appropriate.
You see, as an HR Manager (Holler) and Senior Accountant (Sense), we head up departments that include a fair majority of gen y'ers. I, Holler, get to peel back the onion layers to attempt to find some semblance of a redeeming quality in the dark army employees, and Sense gets to constantly crunch the numbers that make nearly no sense from a productivity standpoint (can a person really Facebook for 8 hours straight? Sense could prove it to be possible).
But enough of that for now, there will be more to come later. The point is there will, in fact, be more to come later and that you should read that too as Sense and I will attempt to rationalize the irrational, to find logic in the illogical, and to preserve brain function during the most heinous boughts of employee irresponsibility. All in a corporate environment.

Should be sweet.

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